Rose Bouquet Pop Up Card

Rose Bouquet Pop Up Card has a pink cover that features a beautiful bouquet of beautiful roses. The image reveals just enough of the surprise inside. When you open the card, you will be astonished by a stunning three-dimensional sculpture of a bouquet full of roses. It is definitely an impressive unique 3D pop up card for Birthday, Mother’s Day or any other special occasion.

We always leave the card blank so that you can personalize your own words.

Inspiration of Rose Bouquet Pop Up Card

Pink roses often convey joy or a sense of happiness that is soft, welcoming or comforting. Therefore, pink rose arrangements are often exchanged between friends, family members and relatives. Pink roses also tend to symbolize gratitude and appreciation, making them another great choice for saying “Thank you!” Pink roses are versatile when you have something important to convey. Taking this as inspiration, CharmPop has come up with this meaningful 3D flower pop up card design as a wonderful gift for your mother, friends or any members in your family. It brings about a twist to your usual sweet messages to your beloved ones when they need a little confidence boost or pick-me-up.

Occasions for Rose Bouquet Pop Up Card

Rose Bouquet Pop Up Card is perfect to express your love and appreciation for your friends and family members on their birthday. It can also be a great choice for Thank-you and Congratulations occasions.

Size: 5×7 ( inch)

Colors: Custom color

Wholesales Price: Contact